Termify integration with Phrase

Use Termify to transform your training data for high quality machine translation with Phrase

terminology for your teams

Train Phrase NextMT

High quality training data for NextMT

Termify provides a curated collection of terms and their translations, which can be used as a reference during the training process. By incorporating accurate and consistent terminology, the NextMT engine can learn to produce more precise and contextually appropriate translations.

Specialist Domains

By incorporating domain-specific terminology from Termify into the training process, the Phrase NextMT engine can be fine-tuned to handle specialised terminology more accurately. This improves the quality and relevance of translations for specific domains.

Translation with terminology

Machine translated terminology, immediately

Train your Phrase NextMT engine with approved terminology to increase the quality of your machine-translated content.

Reduce the need for human editors by unlocking next-level MT performance with high quality training data.

Good data in, high quality translations out

To make machine translation an integral part of your translation and authoring workflow you need to be able to rely on the output translations.

Termify trains NextMT with terminology relevant to your business, industry and customers, ensuring you can rely on production-ready translations being delivered time and again.

Measurable performance increases

Expect your BLEU score to take a jump when you start using Termify.

The use of a comprehensive termbase will enable your MT engine to deliver the highest quality translations possible, reducing the need for post-editing, resulting in lower costs and faster delivery of localisation projects.

Start managing your Terminology with Termify